
I believe this Marketing Blog has been a great opportunity to review the work I have done so far during this semester.

Besides the marketing quizzes I have done to assess my knowledge of marketing concepts, and which I managed to pass with a certain pride, I realized that my knowledge of marketing is enhanced thanks to the individual and team projects I had the opportunity to conduct so far.

The Practicum I have made on Consumer Buyer Behavior has been a great opportunity to deeply understand the concept and then trying to communicate this knowledge to the class through an oral presentation has been enriching. This practicum has also been a useful source for this blog as on of my essays explains Consumer Buyer Behavior.

The Marketing Plan has been an interesting way to discover the different steps of launching a new product on a market while applying the concepts learned in class. Working in a team is fun and my teammates often open my eyes to some aspects I would have missed.

After producing those different papers and blog I believe I need to strengthen my writing skills as well as my creativity to make those marketing concepts mine. I guess this blog will allow me to practice my writing and that the last essays I am to write on this blog will show a significant improvement of my writing skills.

Finally, I believe this semester in the United States will allow me to be more open-minded and aware of cultural differences between the U.S. and Europe and will enhance my knowledge and skills for my future professional career in International Management.

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